4K HD 82 Dakika Christmas in Montana

Montana'da Noel izle, Christmas in Montana izle, It's the Christmas season, the most difficult time of the year for Los Angeles based financial advisor Sara Bradley and her daughter Chloe Bradley ever since the passing of Sara's husband/Chloe's father Rob four years ago, they who now get through the holiday without talking about it or Rob. Sara has since focused on advancing her career to ensure that Chloe has a secure future. At the last minute, Sara, with a reluctant Chloe in tow, is sent on a week long business trip to Bigfork, Montana to meet with one of her company's long standing clients, rancher Travis Carson, to devise a proposal for him to secure a second loan to help overcome their financial issues the result of the summer drought, the loan, which needs to be approved by Christmas, required for Travis to continue to operate. Travis had rejected a previous proposal developed by Sara's boss Peter, one of the company VPs, to let go some of his employees to reduce costs to show that he could pay back such a loan. A promotion to VP is on the line for Sara in coming to a successful proposal for Travis to secure that loan. It starts off as a case of a fish out of water for both Sara and Chloe in being warm weather urbanites. Sara's task is made all the more difficult in Travis and his father Travis Sr. - Pop - working on a much slower "Montana" pace than Sara is used to, despite Travis being very cognizant of the consequences of not securing the loan. Also preoccupying Travis and Pop's time is all the work they do to prepare for Christmas, not only for themselves but for most of the town, in carrying on the tradition of Pop's deceased wife, her passing partly the reason why Travis, formerly a New York City lawyer, returned to Bigfork and the ranching life. In the process, Sara and Chloe not only seem to embrace the slower country life and all that they've missed in Christmas without Rob, but Sara and Travis start to fall for each other. Beyond Sara potentially not coming up with a proposal that Travis could live with and thus not securing the loan, what is an obstacle in their relationship in their differing lives, Sara who would have a difficult time giving up the security of her job in Los Angeles for Chloe's sake.

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